Win7 system taskbar and desktop often automatically refresh the solution


The solution steps are as follows:

1. Click “Start →Run”;In the dialog box, enter “regedit”Start Registry Editor;

2, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlUpdate Branch;

3, on the right to find a DWORD value named "UpdateMode", it is used to set whether to automatically refresh the window display, 1 for manual refresh, if the value is 0, it means automatic Refresh.

4, double-click with the mouse "UpdateMode"; in the window that appears, modify its value to "1", and then quit the registry editor, logout and re-login.

Note: If not, create a new one, and also create a DWORD 32-bit value of updateMode on the right and change its value to 1.

Further reading: Win10 taskbar and desktop always refresh automatically

Please copy the following into Notepad and save as yezi.reg file and open;

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@=""%1" %*"

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