How to disable the "display desktop" function in the win7 Ultimate computer?

            Before, many users who upgraded to win8 and win10 have raised such a problem. The function of displaying the desktop on the taskbar below the computer disappears, which makes the operation of the computer a lot more troublesome. Therefore, in the previous article. Xiaobian also detailed how to find the function of this display desktop. But on the other hand, carrots and vegetables have their own love, and many users will feel that the function of displaying the desktop affects the beauty of the computer. Below, Xiaobian uses the w764 flagship computer as an example to introduce in detail. How to disable the "Show desktop" function in the win7 Ultimate computer?
1. First, let's press the win+R shortcut on the win7 Ultimate computer keyboard to open the running window of the computer, in the open running window. In the middle, let's type regedit and click Enter, so we can open the registry editor window of win7 Ultimate computer directly.
2. In the open registry editor window, we click to expand HKEY_USERS \\ .DEFAULT \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer in the left window, then we move the mouse to the right window Just look for a blank space and click the right mouse button. In the slide down menu that appears, let's choose the new Dword (32-bit) value and name it NoDesktop.
3. Double-click to open the newly created NoDesktop, change the default value data to 1, and then click OK to save.

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