Win7 system Google browser is maliciously bound to hao123 home page how to do


The specific method is as follows:
1, right click on your Chrome shortcut, select properties, pop-up properties window, pay attention to “ target & rdquo; this column ;
If your column ends in the end with "chrome.exe" (this is how I get rid of hao123), you can turn off this experience, it does not apply to you.
If you are not the same as this, followed by a URL, then please continue to look back, this experience should solve your problem.
2, this way hao123 will turn itself into the home page, by tampering with your shortcuts, let you open hao123 to open each time you open it. So what you have to do is delete your chrome shortcut;
3, then open your chrome installation location (generally C:\\Program Files(x86)\\Google\\Chrome) and find the chrome.exe file , right click → send to → desktop shortcut.
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