Wonderful use of Windows7 shortcuts to optimize game office efficiency

                  There are hundreds of shortcut keys provided by windows7 system, do you believe it? This is no exaggeration. Windows 7 has made a lot of improvements in improving user efficiency, and naturally there is a shortcut key. Many computer users may think that shortcut keys are just things that belong to the masters. In fact, the shortcut keys may not be underestimated for every Windows 7 computer user. Although Windows 7 provides a lot of shortcut keys, we only have It's a pity to choose a few of the most common ones you can remember, so that you can come in handy at work or play games, so that such excellent features are ignored. So Xiaobian today will give you a detailed list of commonly used Windows7 shortcuts, hoping to help you make the most of the power of Win7 computers.

*Create a new folder Ctrl + Shift + N You need to press Ctrl + Shift + N in the folder window, which is a shortcut to open an incognito window in Chrome.

* Quickly switch 3D window Shortcut Win+Tab In Windows7 system, Win+Tab shortcut can be used to switch 3D windows, which is a new and cool way to switch program windows. First, hold down the Win key, then press the Tab key and release the Tab key to display the open 3D widgets on the desktop.

Win continue to hold the key, each time the Tab key, sequentially switched to a window, until the switch to the topmost application program is required, to release the Win key, The application window is displayed along with the desktop.

*Enhanced Right Right Send to Shift+ Right Mouse Right Right Send to is a very common feature that can be sent to: desktop shortcuts, mail contacts, compressed documents, mobile devices, and more. With the Shift+ right mouse button sent to, all the contents of the Windows7 personal folder are added, including: my documents, my photos, my music, the desktop, and so on.

* use the command line to open Shift + Right

Start & gt current folder; run & gt; cmd is the command-line interface, the legendary DOS command. Perhaps the most common one is pinging? It is also a good idea to use the command line to modify the file extension. ren name.txt name.bat can change a text file to a batch file. And Shift + right-click in the current folder with the command line to open the role is to open the various levels of folders without frequent cd.

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