Before you start streaming to device

using Windows Media Player, you need to add your digital media device and computer to your home network and enable media streaming. Windows will automatically detect devices and computers that you can use in conjunction with Windows Media Player to stream music, videos, and photos. For more information on how to use Windows Media Player, see Getting Started with Windows Media Player.

add devices to the network device to the network the step of adding the different step. Usually, you can open it and follow the instructions on the screen or the information it comes with. To open

home media streams if not already open media stream, follow these steps:

1. Swipe from the right edge of the screen to the middle, then click "Search." (If using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, and then click "Search".)

2. In the box, enter "Search" "Media streaming options", or single click Click on "Settings" and then tap or click on "Media Streaming Options".

3. Tap or click "Turn on media streaming." If Media Streaming is enabled, Enable Home Media Streaming on the Stream menu will not be available.

4. On the "Media streaming options" page, uncheck the computer and on any device you do not want to transfer the media streaming to "Allow", then click or click "OK."

digital media stream to another computer or device may be used

step "to play" digital media stream to another device or computer. Here's how:

1. swipe from the right edge to the middle of the screen, and click "Search." (If using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, then move the pointer down, and then click "Search".)

2. In the "Search" box, enter WindowsMediaPlayer, click or click the "Apply" , then tap or click on Windows Media Player.

If the Player is currently open and is in "Now Playing" mode, click or click "Switch to Library" button.

3. Tap or click "Play" tab.

4. The drag items you want to play from the Player library to the list pane.

5. Tap or click "Play to" button, then click or click to stream to the device.

use the "Play To" control can play, pause or stop the media stream, and you can switch to the list next or previous item.
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