Win8 appears MadobeYu.deskthemepack invalid prompt solution

.deskthemepack is a dedicated .cab theme package under windows8 system, including image, sound and other settings, there are users of win8 system users reaction, just downloaded the theme package, intend to replace The theme, after double-clicking, there is an invalid error message for MadobeYu.deskthemepack. What should I do if I encounter this situation? Please see how Xiaobian handles it.
win8MadobeYu.deskthemepack invalid prompt solution:
1, first open the control panel under the start menu, click "change date, time or number format", enter the "block change theme" dialog box;

2. Select "Disabled" in "Block Change Theme", click the next setting in the upper right of the dialog box, select the "Administration" tab in the three tabs, and click "Change System Locale" below. "the Japanese Unicode region selection, change the position of Japan;

3, restart the computer after saving settings, which you can successfully install a theme.
Through the above operations, we can easily see that the MadobeYu.deskthemepack theme is adapted to Japanese, and MadobeYu.deskthemepack invalid prompts due to language conflicts.

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