Win8.1 can't start the security center service and report the error 1068 solution


In Win8.1 system, starting the security center service will provide users with the most comprehensive system security status, and prompt users to all the security information, but some users can not start the service when starting the Security Center service. Error message 1068: The dependent service or group is not started. The following small series teaches you how to solve this problem.

Method a:

1, Win + R key combination to bring up the run command box, type the command services.msc, carriage return.

2, when the User Account Control pop-up window, allow to continue. Locate the Security Center service and double-click it to open the service properties. On the General tab, select the startup type to Automatic, and then click the Start button under Service Status;

3, if win8.1 system service still fails to start, please refer to the above steps to enable Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Windows Management Instrumentation are two services.

4, after the above two services start successfully, please try to start the Security Center service again, check for a successful start.
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