Win8 installation fails prompt disk has MBR partition table solution


Some netizens encountered such a problem in the process of installing Win8. When selecting which disk to install, a pop-up prompt box indicates that it cannot be installed on the disk with the MBR partition table. This problem plagued many netizens, how to solve it?

The netizen had an accident during the installation process, and the following message appears:

Windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed on GPT partitions.

This situation is because the computer supports UEFI booting, the original disk partition is MBR type, and the system cannot be installed. We only need to change the partition table MBR type to GPT type, and then re-install it!

As for the method of changing MBR to GPT, refer friends to refer to "How to convert hard disk format to GPT under Win8 system" This tutorial makes it easy to implement lossless conversion through software.

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