The next generation of Windows Blue drawing programs will be greatly enhanced


Author: Gray touch
for Windows comes with the & ldquo; Paint & rdquo; program have the impression it? Maybe you think it's a toy, but in the next generation of Windows Blue, the drawing program will become a full-fledged killer — — those simple third-party drawing programs will be quite tragic.
Microsoft's CTO Eric Rudder mentioned the new generation of FreshPaint drawing program when he visited Microsoft's theme website MSFTKitchen. Compared to FreshPaint, which is currently integrated in Windows 8, FreshPaint integrated in Windows Blue adds a lot of new features. Thanks to the new features and touch screen, you can now effortlessly draw a watercolor effect on FreshPaint, while also tinting inside the palette.

Eric Rudder did not reveal when the legendary Windows Blue will meet you, and this live demonstration of FreshPaint continues the tradition of Microsoft products that must go wrong in major presentations. Fortunately, this touch screen failure will be restored soon, otherwise we will not see this interesting video below. Microsoft, are you really sure that the new system name is not WindowsBlurScreen?

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