Win7 system one-click setting IP DOS script command


Create a new Notepad file on the desktop, copy the following content and paste it to save

[dm lang=”php”]netsh interface IP set address “Local connection ” source=dhcpnetsh interface IP set dns “local connection>source=dhcppause[/dm]

Save as DHCP.bat *** The purpose of this code is to set the TCP/IP environment***

At the moment we create a new file and enter the following:

[dm lang=”php”]netsh interface IP set address “local connection  static Gateway= 1netsh interface IP set dns “local connection quo; static addr= interface IP add dns “local connection<quo; addr=[/dm]

Then Save the file as IP.bat, double-click this file

The default local IP setting is

The subnet mask is set to

The gateway is set to

The DNS setting is

The alternate DNS setting is

The above is the default setting, you can modify it according to your actual needs;

I have edited it here, you can download the win system ip directly and quickly. Br>

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