Coping with win7 system program response time has a coup


With its strong security and stability, win7 integrates extremely powerful application functions, so it has won the trust and recognition of many users, greatly improving the efficiency of work. However, the powerful function also adds to the burden on the system. Sometimes the long response time of the win7 system program is also a headache. Will also cause other users to ask questions, how about the win7 system, in the end is not good? In this small series for everyone to take a trick on this issue.

Windows7 system program response time is long:

First step, enter “regedit” in the start menu search box, then press Enter to open the registry editor.

Second step, expand the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop", right click in the blank space on the right side of the window, and create a new "DWord
32-bit value ”.

The third step is to rename the newly created value to “WaitToKillAppTimeout”, the system default value data is ““0”; no need to modify, save and modify and exit.

The above is a small coup to solve the long response time of the win7 system program. Since running multiple programs at the same time makes the running speed slower, the above method should be able to reduce the waiting time for the user in the response time. Win7 system multiple versions, as to which win7 system is better, I believe in the user's own conclusions.

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