Win10 Mobile Anniversary Update 14393.479 or the next cumulative update

The most recent Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update release (cumulative update) is Build 14393.448, which has been released to all non-Insider members running the Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update

However, with the help of slow and release preview channel Insider members, Microsoft continues to test the updated version. A new cumulative update of the anniversary update is now available on the Buildfeed website, which specifically tracks the builds that Microsoft is testing. The new version tracked this time is Build 14393.479, compiled on November 10. This version number is a relatively large jump relative to 14393.448, indicating that this release contains many fixes and improvements.

As for Windows 10 Creators Update, Microsoft has now compiled to Build 14971. However, foreign media said that Build 14969 is good, 14970 and 14971 are not a good version. Dona Sarkar said this morning that he is still busy with bug fixes and there is no new version to push. Last week, Microsoft held a big cleaning campaign, hoping to fix a lot of bugs

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