Win8 computer secondary web page can not open the solution


The browser is a must-have software for computers that helps us browse videos or web pages. However, many users have reported that browsers cannot open secondary web pages on Win8 computers. What is the situation? How to solve it? The following small series will bring you a solution to the Win8 computer secondary web page! Let's go and have a look!

Method /Step:

1. Open Internet Explore 11.0.

2. Select the browser's “Settings”.

3. Open the “Internet Options” interface in the drop-down menu, as shown in the figure:

4. Select the second tab < security”.

5, find “ enable protection mode (requires restart the browser) & rdquo;, cancel the selection (cancel the check).

6, restart the browser, you can solve it perfectly.

The above is the solution for the Win8 computer secondary webpage that Xiaobian brings to you. The method is very simple. We only need to set the "Internet Options" setting. If it doesn't work, it is recommended to reinstall the browser or system. Hope can help everyone!

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