What should I do if the Win8.1 system search function is not available? Win8.1 search function can not be used to solve


What should I do if the Win8.1 system search function is not available? Local search in the system allows us to easily search and find programs, files and settings. Some netizens said that the search function of Win8.1 system can not be used. The following small series will bring you the solution that Win8.1 search function can't use. Let's take a look!

Operation steps:

1. Press the key combination (win+R) on the desktop to open the running window, enter “regedit”, press Enter to confirm, as shown below:

2. After opening the Registry Editor, expand “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\CabinetState”, then right-click in the right pane to create a new character. String value, and name it "UseSearchAsst", as shown below:

3. Then double-click UseSearchAsst to open the editing window and set the value data to "NO". Click “OK”, as shown below:

By default, the search function is available, but some third-party optimized GHO systems can use the search function. Just re-enable it by setting it in the registry.

The above is the solution that Win 8.1 search function can not be used by Xiaobian, thank you for reading, please pay attention to this website for more content!

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