Win10 Universal Application "Notification Visualization" Release Design Win10 Adaptive Dynamic Tile


November 3 news, Microsoft released a Win10 universal application called "Notifications Visualizer", the role of this application is to help developers design adaptive dynamic tiles. Like Visual Studio's XAML designer, this app provides instant preview of the final effects and supports error checking to ensure design effectiveness. Here's a screenshot of the app:

This app provides developers with the easiest way to design a live tile, so developers don't have to deploy it on their phone to see the final result. .

Notifications Visualizer Download:

Click this link or use the Play App (download link) to scan the following QR code:

Notifications Visualizer The tool has built-in dynamic tile design templates that allow developers to view the adaptive display of tiles in a variety of different sizes.

A developer who is interested or in need can download the app through the Windows 10 app store.

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