Win10 install KB3081440 patch or can solve the problem of KB3081424 installation failure?


A portion of Win10 official users encountered a failure issue when installing the cumulative fix update KB3081424 with error code 0x80070003. After trying to reinstall, the problem still won't be solved, it can only fall into the loop of restart, and finally can only give up the installation.

Now, the reviewer of the Microsoft community, Bennet Martin, has given a solution: install the KB3081440 update. The reviewer stated that the update could fix the installation failure of KB3081424. Related users can automatically receive and install through the Windows update program. After successful installation, KB3081424 will be installed normally.

How many users have reported that they have not received an update with the number KB3081440 recently. It has been verified that KB3081440 was released on August 11th and is marked as a compatibility update to replace the compatibility update KB3074677 released on July 25. The explanation page does not give more information. Judging from the Microsoft community's staff, the update seems to be a selective push and is not yet confirmed.

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