A move to get Win7/Win8.1 upgrade Windows 10 failed to report 80240020


In general, Windows 10 this upgrade is relatively smooth, no major problems, but it is not possible without any problems, some people from When Windows 8.1 is upgraded, the installation will fail after the download is completed and the error code 80240020 is given. What does this mean? This problem we have introduced a lot of solutions before (win8.1 upgrade Win10 official version failed to prompt 80240020 error how to do?). Let's share a new ultra-simple solution. If you are interested, you can come in and see if Microsoft says that the Windows 10 upgrade is for global users. It is too large to be pushed all the way in the first time. . If you see the above error message, it does not mean that your upgrade itself has any problems, but it is too busy at present, you need to wait a little longer, especially if you use some techniques to force the upgrade, this error is more likely to occur. If you have to upgrade, there is no way, just open the registry and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\OSUpgrade Create one without this item, then right click in the blank area on the right Click to create a new DWORD (32-bit) value and name it "AllowOSUpgrade" and change the value to “1”. Then restart and restart Windows Update again, check the update, and you're ready to go.

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