Where is the Explorer.exe process? In the win10 system, find the location of the Explorer.exe process.


In the previous article, it has already been introduced. If the windows system encounters a stuck card, then most of the time is related to the Explorer.exe process. At this time, we need to find the Explorer.exe process in our windows system, then end it, and then restart, only then, we can restore their windows system. But recently there are quite a few users consulting, saying that after upgrading the system to win10 system, I don't know where the Explorer.exe process is going! So below, Xiaobian will introduce how to find this Explorer.exe in win10 system. Let's take a look! Let's take a look at it, I hope it will help everyone!

In fact, many users can't find the Explorer.exe process because Microsoft upgraded the name of the Explorer.exe process after the system was upgraded to the win10 system. Now the Explorer.exe process has been renamed to Windows resources. Manager.

1. First, let's go back to the traditional desktop location of the win10 system, and then move the mouse to the taskbar window below our window. After that, we find a blank space in this window and click the right mouse button. In the slide down menu, let's choose to start the task manager.

2. So we can open the task manager window of win10 system, we can switch to the process directly in this window, and then you can find this windows resource manager option.

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