Win10 system boot blue screen Code computer blue screen error 0x00000001e how to do?

Win10 is the latest generation of operating system, and has not yet been officially released for sale, but now it is now available from the official website. The latest version of the preview is not very big. If you want to try the new system, you can download it. . When using the computer, a blue screen suddenly appears and the error code 0x00000001e is prompted, and the cache of the win10 system's application store is too large, which will cause the application store to open normally. The solution is described below. Baidu experience:

Solve the blue screen

1, use the shortcut key win key +r key, open the running window, enter “msconfig”, click to confirm

2. In the “General” column, click Uncheck “Add startup item”.

3. Switch to the "Services" column, click on the checkbox to "Hide all Microsoft services", and then click “ Disable All.

4. In the “Startup” column, click the “Don't disable all” button and click OK to restart the computer.

Clear App Store Cache

1, use the shortcut key +r key to open the run window, enter “cmd”, press Enter to confirm.

2, enter “wsreset”, press Enter to confirm and start clearing the app store cache.

3, restart the computer to complete.

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