How do I apply to become a Windows 10 Insider member and switch the update push cycle?


Yesterday, Gabriel Aul announced on Windows Twitter that Windows 10 Build 10122 will be released soon. But for A-card users, its bugs are still annoying (running browsers are easy to crash). This morning, Microsoft officially pushed the preview version of Build 10122 to test users. If you don't want to be innocent, just change the update settings (from Fast Ring to Slow Ring). Of course, you need to be a member of Windows Insider first.

The way to become a Windows Insider is to access the Windows Insider home page ( via a Windows 7 or 8.x device and log in with your own Microsoft account. Here, you can also apply to become a tester for the Windows 10 for Phones preview.

After the application is approved, you will be able to download the latest system image (currently Windows 10 Build 10122) that corresponds to your current geographic location and locale.

In Windows 10 Insider Preview, users can choose to update the push cycle. If you like to take risks, choose Fast Ring; if you don't want to update too fast (such as avoiding some known bugs), then choose Slow Ring.

To change the push cycle, as shown above, go to the “Update & Security” page and click on ““Advanced Options” under the “Windows Update” tab. (Advanced Options).

If you are currently using AMD GPUs, you can skip Windows 10 Build 10122 (switch to Slow Ring) as needed. If you ignore the Edge browser, then Fast Ring is free.

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