Build 9926 solves the problem of case/number keyboard misalignment


This morning, Microsoft officially pushed the preview version of Build 9826 to Windows 10 users. At the same time, Microsoft also introduced an ISO image file, users can upgrade to the latest version through a new installation.

So, what was the update of Bulid 9926 this time? The foreign media has put together some special parts, and one of them is absolutely unexpected.

First of all, Build 9926 solves a bug that has always existed in the Win10 preview. It is a "case/case keyboard indicator" that has been plaguing users.

As early as the first preview release of Win10, users indicated that the color of the indicator light did not change when the case was switched. Even after the numeric keypad was turned on, there was no indicator light. The following previews were performed. The version failed to solve this annoying problem.

Now, Microsoft is finally giving strength. When you upgrade to Build 9826, you will find this problem completely saying goodbye to you.

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