WP8.1 Cortana provides you with stock price information


Computer Store News: Microsoft stocks reached a new high in 14 years today, and WP8.1 voice assistant Cortana has also acquired new features to show users the stock price and other related information. Microsoft has previously promised that Cortana will receive two updates in a month. It has added a prediction system and used algorithms to accurately predict the results of 15 of the 16 games of the World Cup in Brazil.

Windows Phone 8.1 Cortana is now able to provide users with stock market information, but don't expect Cortana to predict that stocks will rise for you. Users receive the latest price of the stock they are tracking and a simple chart of the price of each stock. These data are from Morningstar.

Cortana's competitors such as Google Now and Siri can also provide similar financial information and charts.

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