Use the test site to detect security levels


What we are going to talk about today is not whether the performance of the browser is good or bad. The author asks everyone: Is your browser safe?

Everyone knows that many viruses and Trojans use browsers directly to achieve attacks and dissemination. So, is your browser safe? Maybe you will answer: I don't know.

The author now teaches you how to detect if your browser is safe and whether there are still loopholes or security risks. Open a browser, then type the address bar and press Enter to open a website that tests if the browser is safe.

As long as you open this page, the website program will automatically detect your browser type. There are two options in the page: Only test for bugs specific to my type of browser (only test browser bugs) and Run all available tests, it is recommended to select the second item, then click the “Start the test” link to start detecting your browser. As long as you wait a few minutes for testing, the program will give a detailed report of this test.

There are generally three levels: High Risk Vulnerabiliti es, Medium Risk Vulnerabilities, and Low Risk Vulnerabilities, and gives the number of vulnerabilities at each level. Immediately after the page, a description of all the vulnerabilities detected and corresponding solutions are given. Let us know the principle of the vulnerability and how to solve the vulnerability. Just follow the prompts on the web page.

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