What should I do if the WinXP system browser is in a reduced state?


The browser is a software commonly used by our computer. It helps us to browse the content of the webpage. Therefore, almost every browser needs a browser, but some users report that the WinXP system browser will be zoomed out after being opened. State, then what should I do? If you don't understand, let's take a look at the solution for Xiaobian.

Steps to maximize the IE browser as soon as it is opened:

1. First open the “Start” menu, then open the “Run” program.

2, the operation of the program window, enter Regedit, open the registry editor.

3, open the Registry Editor, find the path: & ldquo; HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Internet Explorer \\ Main & rdquo ;. Then delete the “Window_Placement” key in the window to the right.

4, then the following path: & ldquo; HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ InternetExplorer \\ Desktop \\ OldWorkAreas & rdquo; & ldquo deleted in its right window; OldWorkAreaRects & rdquo; button. Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.

5, restart the computer, open the IE browser, IE window on the right on the taskbar, point & ldquo; & rdquo ;. maximize

6, and then, again on the taskbar IE window, right, point & ldquo; reduction & rdquo ;.

7, finally, on the taskbar right to a & ldquo on the IE window; maximize & rdquo ;. Then close the IE browser program, and then restart IE browser, so that IE browser will appear in the form of a large window.


to restart the computer, two consecutive IE maximized window (i.e., & ldquo; maximize & rarr; reduction & rarr; maximize & rdquo;).

The WinXP system browser is in a reduced state, and I will talk about it here. I don't know if I can solve this problem for you.

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