WinXP continually updates the system by modifying the registry.


The WinXP system stopped service support on April 8, 2014, and the system could not be updated. But Xiaobian recently learned a way to continue to get automatic updates by modifying the registry.

32 Wei WinXP update method

works by modifying the registry system disguised as Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, the system will continue to be updated to April 9, 2019. You can paste the following in Notepad and save it as xp.reg Double click to run it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



64-bit WinXP update method

This method is only suitable for Windows XP 32-bit version, 64-bit version is more complicated, English is not translated, compare Simple, let's take a look:

1. First you need to manually download the update from and then perform the extraction. For example: C:\\xpupdate

2. Create a file update.cmd:


cd "C:\\xpupdate\\update"

start update.exe /passive /norestart /log:c:\\xpupdate\\install.log

ping -n 1 -w 5>nul

copy org_update_SP2QFE.inf update_SP2QFE.inf /y

3. Copy the update_SP2QFE.inf file to c:\\xpupdate\\update ew_update_SP2QFE.inf

4. Put the following code in the file new_update_SP2QFE.inf




PresentOp=CheckReg, HKLM ,"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions",ProductType,0x00000000

NotEqualOp=CheckReg,HKLM,"SYSTEM\\Current ControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions",ProductType,0x00000000,!=,"WinNT"


5. Execute update.cmd

You can see the install.log, if the installation is successful, restart the computer.

The above is a way to keep your WinXP system automatically updated. But Xiaobian wants to remind friends, after all, Microsoft has stopped serving, and the system continues to automatically update, it does not mean that the updated patch must also match your system.

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