Teach you how to disable worm replacement of explorer files


Sometimes when we use anti-virus software to remove the virus, there will be cases where the desktop cannot be displayed or stopped on the welcome screen. What is going on? Actually this is the worm that replaces the explorer.exe file. The solution is to copy an explorer.exe file from a normal computer.

So how do you guard against the worm that replaces the explorer.exe file?

Turn on the system's "Windows File Protection". Some friends deleted the C:\\Windows\\system32\\dllcache folder (protected system file cache) in order to save space. In fact, this damages the "Windows File Protection" function, leaving a loophole for the virus.

Click “Start →Run" Enter CMD, then enter the "sfc/scannow" command to enable Windows File Protection Scan, and then check if the dllcache folder is enabled, in “Group Policy” In the middle, click “local group policy → computer configuration & rarr; management template & rarr; system & rarr; Windows file protection & rdquo;.

Tips: Replace system files are also very elegant — — version number is as much as possible. If the version number is incorrect, the replacement can be successful and run, but a series of strange things happen, such as the prompt "Loading Phonebook Failure Error 5" when broadband dialing occurs.

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