Manually block automatic deployment of Windows XP SP2

        With the release of Windows XP SP2, many administrators are eager to deploy it to as many computers as possible in the short term. However, administrators do not want to update all computers with Windows XP SP2, although they still want to continue to accept other automatic updates. This is based on some of the following considerations. For example, an administrator wants to compare the performance of a computer before and after installing SP2, or to ensure that an application on a system is still operational. Modifying items in the registry about automatic updates can prevent automatic updates. This can be done through Group Policy or by modifying the registry. In HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\Software\\PolicIEs\\Microsoft\\Windows\\WindowsUpdate, add a double-byte value DWord, name it DoNotAllowXPSP2, and set its value to 1. Because of the importance of SP2, this feature can only block SP2 updates within 120 days from August 16. Microsoft engineers also wrote a script to block the SP2 update, which can be used by multiple computers at the same time. This script is simple: /b means block, and /u means unblock SP2's automatic update. You can learn more about this feature on the Microsoft website.
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