Parameter Analysis of Linux System xlsfonts Command


The xlsfonts command in Linux system looks like a bunch of garbled characters. But xlsfonts is not a simple Linux command, it also has very powerful features. This article will bring you the parameter analysis of the Linux system xlsfonts command.

Function: Lists the fonts used X Server.

Syntax: xlsfonts [-1Clmou][-display "Host Name or IP Address": "Monitor Number"][-fn "Template Style"][-ll][-lll][-n"Display Column number "][-w "Number of characters per column"]

Supplement: Executing the xlsfonts command will display the fonts currently available for X Server, and can also use only the qualified fonts listed in the template style. .


-1 Lists fonts in a single field.

-C Lists fonts using multiple fields.

-display "Host Name or IP Address": "Monitor Number" Specify the host name of the XF86Setup setting screen and which monitor screen to be placed on the host computer.

-fn "Template Style" lists only the fonts that meet the criteria specified by the template style.

-l In addition to the font name, the properties of the font are also listed.

-ll The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified “l” parameter, but shows more detailed information.

-lll The effect of this parameter is similar to the specified “ll” parameter, but shows more detailed information.

-m With the parameter “-l”, the upper and lower limits of the font size are listed together.

-n "Display Fields" Set the number of columns displayed in each column.

-o Lists fonts in the form of OpenFont.

-u Lists font lists without sorting by their name.

-w "Number of characters per column" Set the maximum number of characters per column.

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The above is the Linux system xlsfonts command The parameter parsing, knowing the parameters of the xlsfonts command, also learned how to use the xlsfonts command.

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