How to solve the blue screen when installing VMWare in Linux?


Many netizens reported that there was a blue screen when installing VMWare on Linux. There was an error message when restarting again. The same problem appeared in the other version. The following small series will introduce you to the blue screen when installing VMWare on Linux. Solution.

during installation VMWare blue, mounted restart again found:

The MSI & lsquo; C: \\ DOCUME ~ 1 \\ LOCALS ~ 1 \\ Temp \\ vmware_1295537967 \\ vmware workstation.msi & rsquo; Failed

No matter how many versions are changed, the above result is because vmware has residual files and registry information in the system. I tested some deletions on the web and found that it would not work.


Exit all security software (installation conflicts)

Save the following code as a text file, suffixed with .cmd and executed as administrator The command will automatically clean up the previously remaining VMware information.

Uninstalling VMware.cmd


@echo off


color 0a

Title Uninstalling VMware

set vmbit=

IF “%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% quo; neq “x86” set vmbit=64

echo Are you sure you want to uninstall VMware 8?

echo Press any key to continue uninstalling VMware 8! ! ! &pause》nul

echo is deleting services and devices, it may take a few minutes, please wait. . .

echo If there is still no movement after three minutes, please press the Enter key on the uninstall batch and continue to wait. . .

msiexec.exe /x vmwarevmcisockets.msi /qn /norestart

msiexec.exe /x vmwarevmcisockets64.msi /qn /norestart

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- Stop authd 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall authd 》nul 2》nul

net stop VMAuthdService 》nul 2》nul

sc delete VMAuthdService 》nul 2》nul

net stop VMwareHostd 》nul 2》nul

sc delete VMwareHostd 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop dhcp 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall dhcp 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop nat 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall nat 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop bridge 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%. Exe -- uninstall bridge 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop userif 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall userif 》nul 2 》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.ex e -- stop adapter 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall adapter 》nul 2》nul

rundll32 vnetlib%vmbit%.dll,VNL_RemoveAllNetworkDevices

net stop VMUSBArbService 》nul 2》nul

sc delete VMUSBArbService 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop usb

vnetlib%vmbit% .exe -- uninstall usb

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop hcmon 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall hcmon 》nul 2》nul

net stop vstor2-mntapi10-shared 》nul 2》nul

sc delete vstor2-mntapi10-shared 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop vmkbd 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall vmkbd 》nul 2》nul

net stop vmkbd 》nul 2》nul

sc delete vmkbd Nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop vmparport 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall vmparport 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- stop vmx86 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib%vmbit%.exe -- uninstall vmx86 》nul 2》nul

vnetlib.exe -- uninstall vmci

echo .

echo Cancel the registration of DLL files. . .

regsvr32 /u /s “%cd%\\vmappcfg.dll”

regsvr32 /u /s “%cd%\\vmappsdk.dll”

regsvr32 /u /s “%cd%\\vmdbCOM.dll”


echo Delete the registry. . . .

reg delete “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\VMware, Inc. /f 》nul 2》nul

reg delete “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\VMware, Inc.” /f 》 Nul 2》nul

reg delete “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\VMware, Inc. /f 》nul 2》nul

reg delete “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\VMware , Inc.” /f 》nul 2》nul

reg delete “HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Drivers32” /f /v “VIDC.VMnc” 》nul 2》nul

reg delete “HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Drivers32” /f /v “VIDC.VMnc” 》nul 2》nul

reg delete “ HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VMware” /f 》nul 2》nul

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