Project Management Software Redmine+Ruby+Passenger+Nginx Installation


Redmine is an open source, web-based project management and defect tracking tool. It uses a calendar and Gantt chart to aid in project and progress visualization, while it supports multi-project management. Here bloggers want to use it to record problems and solutions in their personal work. Good memory is not as bad as a bad one. Don't wait until the quarter or year-end summary to remember nothing.

Step 1: Install the ruby+rails environment

Reference tutorial:

The blogger started in Ubuntu The operation in the root environment has been a failure. Finally, choose a non-root environment to install successfully. It is best to use the environment recommended by redmine.

Step 2: Install redmine software

Reference tutorial:

There is usually no problem here. Finally, start the redmine with the default webrick. If there are a lot of projects, use the built-in webrick startup to access, the speed is not generally slow. This can only be used for testing.

Webrick is not suitable for production use, please only use webrick for testing that the installation up to this point is functional. Use one of the many other guides in this wiki to setup redmine to use either Passenger (aka mod_rails ), FCGI or a Rack server (Unicorn, Thin, Puma, hellip;) to serve up your redmine.

Step 3: Install passenger

Install with gem faster, gem install passenger .

Get the passenger path, the command passenger-config –root, will get the path shown below and record. This is useful when recompiling nginx.


Step 4: Recompile nginx, add passenger module

Because the blogger has already installed the nginx environment, I don't want to reinstall nginx using the recommended command passenger-install-nginx-module.

Compile and install

./configure –user=www –group=www –prefix=/usr/local/nginx –with-http_stub_status_module –with-http_ssl_module –with -http_gzip_static_module –with-ipv6 –add-module=/home/zhangnq/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p545/gems/passenger-4.0.40/ext/nginx/

make &&make install

If you encounter error when compiling and installing: ‘ngx_http_connection_t’ has no member named ‘ssl’ the error may be because your nginx version is less than 1.4. The blogger used the test with nginx 1.0. This error occurred and it was successful after upgrading to 1.4.7.

Step 5: Configure nginx, join passenger

The official configuration of nginx:

01upstream redmine {

02 server; Br>

03 server;

04 server;



07server {

08 server_name redmine.DOMAIN.TLD;

09 root /var/www/redmine;


11 location /{

12 try_files $uri @ruby;

13 }


15 location @ruby {

16 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr ;

17 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

18 proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

19 proxy_redirect off;

20 proxy_read_timeout 300; Br>

21 proxy_pass http://redmine;

22 }


When testing with webrick, the blogger modified the root path and then < ;server;” changed to “server 12;”, start nginx to successfully access redmine.

How to configure passenger? The blogger is not found in the official nginx documentation, but it can be configured in the following format.

passenger_root must be configured, many online tutorials are not written, resulting in the inability to access the passenger after starting nginx. For details, please refer to this URL:


The above several sections introduce the installation of Redmine+Ruby+Passenger+Nginx. Please refer to the above link for details. Various errors may be encountered during the configuration process, but basically all can be solved by google. For new things, bloggers ( feel that they should not be afraid first, and they will solve the problem one by one and finally finish it.

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