SVN1.6 server and client installation configuration steps


1, software download

Download the SVN1.6 server program.

Client [TortoiseSVN-] ?q=node/74 or

Server [Setup-Subversion-1.6.9.msi]

http://www.svnclub. Com/index.php?q=node/73 or

2, server and client installation server installation, run the installer directly, follow the prompts to install.

3. Create SVN1.6 repository (Repository)

In the directory D:\\svn\ epository"right->TortoiseSVN->Createrepositoryhere", then select the repository Mode, here you can use the default fsfs method, and then create a series of directories and files.

4. Configure SVN1.6 users and permissions

Open the D:\\svn\ epository\\svnserve.conf file. Finally, you set the [general] section without the ## in the line:




Open the passwd file in the same directory to set up the account: Br>

Similarly, set the [users] section without the ## before the line, for example:


5: Create server---cmd input

sc create svnservice binPath= "C:\\Program Files\\Subversion\\bin\\svnserve.exe --service -r D:\\svn\ epository" DisplayName= "subversion" depend= Tcpip start= auto

Start server

net start subversion

6, import project

right-click on the directory, select TortoiseSVN, >>>"Import..." ;, set "filebase url" after the svn://localhost point is determined, the file will be prompted to be imported. Other machines should access the svn server IP address, for example svn://

< Br>

7.Export project

For example, d:\\project>>> Select "SVN to take out..." "filebase url" is the IP address of the svn:// server, set the user admin password 123456

8: problem:

Error 2: The system cannot find the specified or Error 3: The system could not find the specified


Go to the registry and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CONTROLSET001/Services/svnservice, find this after selecting, have an ImagePath, put its data Change the value to the correct executable path.


Create Service:

sc create svnservice binPath= "E:\\IDE\\Subversion\\bin\\svnserve.exe --service -r E:\\ Svn\ epository" DisplayName= "subversion" depend= Tcpip start= auto

Starting the service:

net start subversion

Author heng_ji

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