What does hold mean?


Some hot words are generated every year in the network, such as last year's "to power", which has been cited by many users. Recently, some netizens asked the editor: "What does "hold" mean, why do some articles on computer Pepsi have a word of hold?

The word "holding" comes from the Taiwan variety show "University College". In "After College Students" on August 9, 2011, a netizen named miss lin introduced to college students what is Fashion with exaggerated alternative styles, a mouthful of English, and a swearing gesture. Its extremely exaggerated and funny performance shocked all the audience, miss lin's mantra is the whole scene I want to live.
What does hold mean?

Today, have you held live?

In the past few days, the word hold has been officially replaced by force and injury, and it has become the most popular online buzzword. The reporter found this morning that only Sina has more than 100,000 microblogs with hold. On Hualong Weibo and other portals on Weibo, netizens are also busy discussing hold.

In English, hold has the meaning of holding, holding, holding, holding, controlling, and controlling. Hold and live means to maintain, hold on, and be confident in all situations. If you want to hold it, you have the meaning of giving and cheering. If you can't hold it, you can't afford it.

So how do you use hold? Some netizens have explored this. If you encounter a difficult situation during the performance, you can yell a hold; if your boyfriend suddenly holds a large bouquet of roses to propose to you, you can also tell yourself to hold; if you are at work When you encounter a traffic jam on the way, you can also meditate and hold yourself to calm down.

Hold the classic words

You must be silent when you are stunned, let yourself calm down, and then calmly deal with it. Or, if you buy a lottery ticket for 5 million today, you can't stop reminding yourself to hold it. When you are on the way to the award, you will be shocked and thrown aside. As you try to climb up as gracefully, tell yourself to hold and return to your home. Lock the door, you can kick off the shoes and shout with excitement: I hold it!

In English, hold has the meaning of holding, holding, holding, holding, controlling, controlling, and so on. Hold and live means to maintain, hold on, and be confident in all situations. To hold it also has the meaning of giving strength and fueling, and holding it is equivalent to the use of injury.

What does hold mean? I believe everyone understands that HOLD is a classic new vocabulary that appears in the Internet. It is similar to the popular ones and the same.

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