Increase the number of files downloaded simultaneously by IE7


Problem Description
The user said that the downloading of data directly in IE7 is slower. How can I speed up the download without using third-party tools?

In the default settings of IE7, the number of files that can be downloaded from the same server at the same time is limited to two. You can use the following scheme to solve the problem
1. At the beginning Enter "Regedit" in the search box of the menu to open the registry editor; Windows Vista will pop up the corresponding UAC prompt window, enter the administrator password or confirm;
2, find the following registry branch:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Internet Settings

Change the registry key value of "MaxConnectionsPerServer" to 5 (or another number). If the entry does not exist, create one with the type DWORD (32-bit);

Change the registry key value of "MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server" to 5 (or another number). If the item does not exist, create one, type DWORD (32-bit);

3. Restart Windows Vista, at this time IE7 allows 5 files to be downloaded from the same server at the same time (or other modifications) The value of the download) will increase significantly.

The following is a registry key, you can save it in a text document and change the document extension to REG. Double-click the file to import the information into the registry. You can also add it after restarting the computer. Download speed

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Internet Settings]




The above operations involve registry modification, for reference only, and please Back up the registry before the operation, and use it according to the familiarity of the operation.

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