What if win7 parental control can't open?

What should I do if win7 parental control can't be opened? The following will demonstrate that win7 parental control can't open the solution. The reason why we can't open it may be because our operation is not good~ Let us know how to use parental mode correctly.
1. Click Start, enter parental controls in the command box and click Parental Controls in the command line result set.

2. In the Parental Controls dialog box, click on Create a new user account in the middle. Then in the Create User window that pops up, type the name of the new user, and click the Create Account button to complete. As shown in the following figure, a user called a child is created for the child to use. At this time, your computer should have two accounts, one is your administrator account as a parent, and the other is called the child's account is for your child. .

At the end, don't forget to change your administrator password as a parent. Just in the control panel, click Add or Delete User Account, click Parent Account (System Administrator), and then click Change Password. , enter your new password and finally click Change Password.

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