How to uninstall update

win7 If an update is installed in win7, a program does not work or the system is running abnormally. You can try uninstalling this update. The specific steps are as follows:
1. In the Start menu, click “Control Panel->Programs”.

2. Open “Programs and Features->View Installed Updates".

3. All installed updates will now be listed. Check out the "Installation Time" column to find the most recently installed updates. Select the update you want to uninstall, right click and select “Uninstall”. (Note: Some updates may not have the "Uninstall" menu pop-up after some updates. Because the update files are in order, if they are associated with other updates or programs, they cannot be uninstalled directly.)

4. After the uninstall confirmation window pops up, please press “yes" to continue.

Don't worry, if you find it wrong later, you can still download and install this update again. Open “Control Panel System and Secure Windows Update", on the left side of the window, click “Check for Updates  (Of course, if you know the specifics of the update, you can also download and install directly from the Microsoft Download Center.)

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