How to delete the thumbs.db file in Win7 system?


When cleaning up the disk data files of Win7 system, I saw a file named "thumbs.db" in multiple folders. I deleted it because of curiosity and found that it will be generated immediately. Is it medium? Is it a virus? After the killing found that the computer is not poisoned, then what is going on? At the same time how to delete the thumbs.db file?

In fact, this file is a database file used to cache the thumbnails of Windows Explorer. It will appear in the folder with images. The more images in the folder, the more files. The larger the volume. For users who don't like to see the file, let's introduce the method of "delete" the file.


1, click on the Start menu, open the Run, enter & ldquo; gpedit.msc & rdquo; click OK to open the & ldquo; the Group Policy Editor & rdquo ;;

2, expand the left side of the group policy: [user profile] & mdash; [Administrative templates] & mdash;] [Windows components & mdash; [Windows Explorer];

3, on the right side Double-click to open “ Close the thumbnail cache in the hidden thumbs.db file, click “Enabled”, click Apply and OK.

Through the above method, we can thumbs.db thumbnail cache file is closed, in this case, thumbs.db file will not happen again, of course, if you Need to use the thumbnail cache, you can manually turn it off and hide.

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