What should I do if I play games with win7 computer?

Our computer has the function of office. The rest is definitely used in life. The range of life used is relatively wide. Generally, watching TV and listening to music can be, browsing news can be, chatting with friends can be, Playing games is naturally possible. The win7 32-bit system has conquered many users with its powerful visual functions, and it has also been favored by many game users. However, if there is a delay in playing games on win7 computers, would you still like it? In fact, to solve the win7 computer game, always Delayed failure, there is a way!
1. First, let's press win+r to open the running window of the computer, then enter regedit in the window and click Enter, so you can open the registry editing of the computer. The window is up.

2. In the left-hand menu in the Registry Editor window, we expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /SYSTEM /CurrentControlSet /Services /Audiosrv, then you can find the DependOnService entry in the right window, double-click to open In this column, in the column of numerical data, delete the default MMCSS item of the system, and then determine the save settings.

4. return to the desktop screen, right click on Computer and select Manage to enter into service in the Computer Management window interface, find Multimedia Class Scheduler and it stops, and then set the startup type to disabled .

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