Win7-Disk Management - Delete the cache file

like "33fbc1d57e9aaf1ea88e6f08" appears on the computer disk, mobile hard disk, or USB disk, similar to "33fbc1d57e9aaf1ea88e6f08", the cache folder that cannot be deleted can be deleted in Win7. (1) Open the Command Prompt window (cmd) as an administrator. (2), enter the folder above the folder to be deleted, use the command “ dir & rdquo; to view the folder name to be deleted. (3), use the command & ldquo; rm folder name /s & rdquo; delete. If the deletion is successful, step (4) can be omitted. If the deletion fails, the prompt <;reject access”, then perform step (4), and then repeat step (3). (4) Set the permissions in the “Security” tab of the folder's Properties window. Note: (1) In the XP, it is not possible to delete the cache folder similar to “33fbc1d57e9aaf1ea88e6f08”. (2) The delete operation of the cache file is similar to the delete operation of the cache folder.
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