Win 7 Device Manager Causes Explorer.exe to Crash

I have always liked to right click on the desktop computer icon and select Manage to invoke Device Manager, which is considered to be the most convenient and quick way. But after upgrading Windows 7 recently, I found that using this method often causes Explorer.exe to crash. I thought it was caused by the installation of third-party software, but the problem remained after reinstalling Windows 7. Many experiments, repeated toss, I finally got this fault.

I to type Regedit in the Start /Run, open the registry editor, targeting hkey_local_MachineSoftwareClassesCLSID {20D04EF-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} ShellManageCommand.

Then, the key changes:

% Windir% SYstem32MMC.exe /To% Windir% System32Compmgmt.msc the key export once again named CompMgmt.reg.

Author's Note: Alternative command to repair used, the method is invoked under XP computer management system, but in Windows7 still be able to work properly.

then repeatedly open management, case Explorer.exe crash did not occur. I hope that Microsoft will participate in the future to fix this problem.

PS: This method belongs to the veteran to run, under the command of the XP system to get the new system instability. At present, not all Windows 7 will encounter this problem, there is a certain chance, the students who have this problem temporarily use this method to solve it.
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