3 ways to lose weight 3G in Windows 7 system

        When we use Windows 7, we will find that its system size is between XP and Vista, but for some people, it is hoped that Windows7 will minimize the system. The following three methods will get you what you want.

Microsoft Vista for such a large volume, is explained this way: we are for the majority of Vista users built more than a million hardware drivers, and because upgrade the system kernel, we must take into account the compatibility with older kernel function This has led to a surge in volume.

then for Microsoft's next-generation operating system:? Windows7, its size and how it does or Vista as bloated and of course it will not, in the early stages of development, Microsoft has learned many lessons, improve it? Big. A 2G notebook, after installing Windows7 Ultimate, the space occupied is about 9G, which is 3G smaller than Vista! Today, our Windows will share with you, Windows7 will reduce the "3G" fat. secret. Are you curious about what is Win Warrior? Finally, we'll Secret Oh!

a. Virtual memory file to remove the non-system disk.

we all know, in order to speed up the operation of the system, Windows provides a virtual memory mechanism, while in Windows7, this feature is enabled by default, and virtual memory file in the system tray. For example, a 2G memory machine, the virtual memory file size is 2G, we can completely remove him! There is room for the system disk.

specific process of setting:

first step, right-click My Computer (Computer) on the desktop and select Properties (PropertIEs). You will see the system about the interface, the system advanced settings (AdvancedSystemsettings) in the upper left corner of this window. Step

: in a new pop-up window, select the first setting button. Go to the Performance setting and select the Change button at the bottom of the Advanced tab to enter the interface for setting virtual memory.
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