Modify the windows7/xp dual system startup item big strategy (2)

/createstore to create an empty startup configuration data store.

/export the contents of the system of export to a file. This file can be used later to restore the state of the system storage.

/import created with the /export command to restore the system backup files stored state.

command execution items stored in

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/copy copy entries in a store.

/create new entries in the store.

/delete to delete entries from the store.

run bcdedit /? ID for information on the use of these identifiers command.

perform on command entry options

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/item options deletevalue delete store.

/set set option values ​​stored in the entry.

run bcdedit /? TYPES obtain these data types using the command list.

run bcdedit /? FORMATS obtain a list of valid data formats.

control command output


/enum lists the items in the store.

/v command-line option that displays entry identifiers, rather than using the name of a known identifier.

alone using the command /v ACTIVE completely displayed item type identifier.

Run "bcdedit" by equivalent to running "bcdedit /enuMacTIVE".

control Boot Manager command

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/bootsequence boot manager is provided a disposable boot sequence.

/default setting default entry boot manager will use.

/displayorder disposed boot manager menu display multiple boot sequence.

/timeout timeout value is set to start Manager.

/toolsdisplayorder set the boot manager displays the tools menu.

start the application control Emergency Management Services command

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/bootems enable or disable startup applications emergency management services.

/ems Enables or disables the operating system entry of Emergency Management Services.

/emssettings set the global Emergency Management Services parameters.

control debugging commands

< BR> /bootdebug Enables or disables startup debugging for the launch application.

/dbgsettings set global debugger parameters.

/debug Enables or disables kernel debugging operating system entry.

We know that the program is loaded into this folder, the system will automatically load the corresponding start the program, but also because it is exposed, it is very easy to change external factors. So it is necessary to learn xpWindows7 startup item repair strategy (with automatic processing tool).
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