The best way to get 2 systems together into the C drive

Windows7 and XP have the same folder ProgrameFiles and Windows. If you install it on the C drive at the same time, the system file will be overwritten by another system file because of the same name folder. As a result, one of the systems is not working properly. Is there any solution to make these two systems coexist? The method is always more difficult than the one below. One of the methods is described below.

Note: The Internet has introduced a similar approach (essentially copying each other's), and many people (including myself) tried without success, its 1: ProgramFiles and ProgramFilescommonFiles folder or in the root directory of C 2: After installing Win7, you can't get the XP menu and can't use XP system.

method described below has been tested and guaranteed to succeed!

small series, the XP and Win7 installed on the same partition is actually very boring, just see so many people copy post, repeated the baseless assertion, it can not help but talk about it the right way.

a basic principle: to change under XP installation path, the installation of Windows XP and the ProgrameFiles in a file folder C disk, rather than the root, so you can avoid conflicts with win7. After installing XP, install Win7 to C drive.

two key steps: Change the installation path XP installation disk. Modify the BCD menu and rename the boot.ini file.

three steps

(a) modify the XP installation files. There are two files that XP needs to modify: WINNT.SIF and HIVESFT.INF files.
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