Win8 right-click management prompts that there is no associated program can not be executed how to deal with


Win8 system in this computer right-click management system manager, but some users perform this operation, but jump out of the file is not associated with the program To perform this operation, you can't open Win8 right-click management. How to deal with this problem?


1, open & ldquo; Notepad & rdquo ;, enter the following:

Windows registry editor version 5.00

[ Hdey_classes_root.exe]


“content type”=”application/x-msdownload”



2. After the input is complete, select the “file”——“save as" menu command In the "Save As" dialog box, set the save path, and enter the file name in the "File Name" text box. "If you want to restore the exe file association.reg”, the extension must be Is .reg because it is the extension of the registry file).

3. Click the “Save” button to save the file, then double-click the file and click the “Yes” button in the pop-up “Registry Editor” dialog box.

After clicking Yes, the system will automatically inject the document in the notebook into the registry and automatically complete the modification. The advantage of this method is that the user does not need to find the specified target in the secret registry. It automates the search and modification.

The above is the Win8 right-click management prompts that are not associated with the program can not be processed, after the settings of the above steps can re-open the right-click manager.

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