How does the win10 system open the HOST table? Win10 system to open the host table three methods

windows10 system to open the HOST table three methods:
Method 1:
1, open my computer;

2, open the C drive in my computer ;

3, find the Windows folder in the C drive, and open;

4, find the System32 folder in the Windows folder, and open;

5, in Find the drivers folder under the System32s folder, and open;

6, find the etc folder in the drivers folder, and open;

7, find the HOSTS file, the right mouse button opens; Br>
8. Select the text document to open.

Method 2:
1, open my computer. Find the search box, or use the key combination Ctrl+F;

2, enter the search box in the search box, and press Enter;

3, the results can be found directly open the file, you can also Open the folder where the file is located.

Method 3:
1. Open my computer and enter the address of the file in my computer: C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc, press Enter to open;

2, find the HOSTS file and select the open mode to open it.
The above is the introduction of the three methods of opening the HOST table in the windows10 system. Users who need this can choose one method according to their own needs.
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