Win7 system can not open the Office2010 file two solutions


2010PPT found that there is a problem with the file to be opened, the file can not be opened after the repair, the display help:

This may occur when the following conditions occur Error: There is a damaged part (damaged track or sector) in your hard drive or floppy drive. A temporary failure has occurred in the operating system or network. Your network is unavailable, too slow, or corrupting packets (router or network card failure, or interference on the network transmission line). Antivirus programs can cause problems when accessing certain files. If the disk is damaged, you must save the file to another location (such as another drive). If the operating system fails, it may be because of the following issues: Various memory management issues, viruses, incorrect UNC usage, aliases, or permissions to store shares of the file are invalid. If there is a problem with the network, this is usually a temporary situation; you can usually save the file after a while and then try again. If the problem persists, please consult your network administrator. A known anti-virus program condition can cause a similar situation to occur. Check with the manufacturer of the antivirus program to see if an update exists.

Method 1

1. On the file that cannot be opened, right click property, there is a paragraph in the bottom of the general tab: Security: This file From other computers, it may be blocked to help protect the computer.

2, [Unlock], unlock and confirm. Then you can open it.

Method 2:

1, method 1 Each file is set this time, it is very troublesome, we can adjust the settings in Office

2, open Ppt, click [Options] in the upper left file menu

3, click inside [Trust Center]

4, click the button [Trust Center Settings ]

5. Click on [Protected View] and remove the three items that are enabled for *** to be protected.

6. Open the ppt file that can't be opened. This setting needs to be set separately for each program in Office.

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