Vista system skills: modify the registry method to remove redundant files

        The deletion method of redundant fonts and redundant backup files in the Vista system has long been known, so this article only introduces some relatively "hidden" deletion methods. Note: Before doing the following, you should back up the Windows registry so that you can restore the system in time after performing the wrong operation.
Delete the extra virtual drive icon
When we installed the virtual drive in the system, there will be a CD icon in "My Computer", even if you don't use the virtual drive later, the virtual drive icon Will continue to retain, it is really unnecessary. Let's delete this redundant virtual drive icon: click "Start → Run", type "regedit", press "OK" button to open the registry editor, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINEEnumSCSI branch, there are usually two under the SCSI subkey Sub-keys, which correspond to the virtual drive and the physical drive respectively, delete all the sub-keys under SCSI, and the virtual drive icon will be deleted after restarting the computer.
Delete redundant system-level icons
System-level icons are icons that are automatically created by the system when you install Windows, such as recycle bins, inboxes, network neighborhoods, etc. Some of these icons are not useful to users. , but these icons cannot be deleted directly. Open the Registry Editor, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion//explorer/Desktop/NameSpace branch, and delete the unwanted subkeys. The web-based teaching network reminds everyone to close the registry editor. After restarting the computer, you will find that the system-level icons that are not needed on the desktop have disappeared.
Remove the extra options in "Run"
If you use the "Start → Run" menu multiple times, you will find that its "Open" window is messed up by a lot of commands that are no longer needed. Open the Registry Editor, expand the HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/ExplorerRunMRU branch, and delete the relevant key values ​​of the right window.
Delete the extra options in "Find"
Expand HKEY_USER/.Default/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Doc-FindSpecMRU branch, delete the relevant key values ​​in the right window.
Remove extra keyboard layouts
Windows is trying to be the darling of the world, so its keyboard layout is suitable for the habits of people of all countries. Open the Registry Editor, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/ControlKeyboardLayouts branch, and we can see that there are various keyboard layouts in Spanish (Traditional), Danish, German (Standard), etc. The keyboard layout of these languages ​​can completely delete these subkeys directly.
Delete extra local settings
Similar to the above keyboard layout, there is also the Windows locale. Expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Nls/Locale branch in the Registry Editor. Simplified Chinese users are completely You can only keep the "00000804" key value, others can be deleted mercilessly.
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