Linux limits the number of connections to a single IP port.


In iptables, you can limit the number of ports connected to the IP. This requires the connlimit module of iptables. Of course, you need to pay attention to the number of ports you limit. Because there may be Internet cafe users access, the default is not installed, so you need to install the module first, the following are all the installation steps: download the installation package and extract

# wget ftp://ftp.netfilter. Org/pub/patch-o-matic-ng/snapshot/patch-o-matic-ng-20080214.tar.bz2 # wget .bz2 # tar xjf iptables-1.4.0.tar.bz2 # tar xjf patch-o-matic-ng-20080214.tar.bz2Download connlimit module

# cd /…/patch-o-matic -ng-20080214 #KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-x86_64/IPTABLES_DIR=/usr/iptablestest/iptables-1.4.0 ./runme -download Successfully downloaded external patch geoip Successfully downloaded external patch Condition Successfully downloaded external patch IPMARK Successfully downloaded external patch ROUTE Successfully downloaded External patch connlimit Successfully downloaded external patch ipp2p Successfully downloaded external patch time ./patchlets/ipv4options exists and is not external ./patchlets/TARPIT exists and is not external Successfully downloaded external patch ACCOUNT Successfully downloaded external patch pknock Hey! KERNEL_DIR is not set. Where is your kernel source directory? [/usr/src/linux] /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-x86_64 Hey! IPTABLES_DIR is not set. Where is your iptables source code directory? [/usr/Src/iptables] /usr/iptablestest/iptables-1.4.0 Loading patchlet definitions……………………. done Excel
lent! Source trees are ready for compilation. Apply connlimit patch to kernel

# KERNEL_DIR=/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-128.el5-x86_64 IPTABLES_DIR=/usr/iptablestest/iptables-1.4.0 ./runme connlimit Loading patchlet definitions… …………………. done …… ——&mda Sh;——————————————————– Do you want to apply this patch [N/y/t/f/a/r/b/w/q/?] y Excellent! Source trees are ready for compilation. Apply the patch here to select y. Compile the kernel

# cd /usr/src/kernels /2.6.18-128.el5-x86_64/# make oldconfig HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/conf.o HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/kxgettext.o HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/mconf.o HOSTCC scripts/kconfig/ HOSTLD scripts /kconfig/conf scripts/kconfig/conf -o arch/i386/Kconfig * * Linux Kernel Configuration * …… ARP payload mangling (IP_NF_ARP_MANGLE) [M/n/?] m Connections/IP limit match support (IP_NF_MATCH_CONNLIMIT) [ ,null,null,3],N/m/?] (NEW) m …… prompts the option to add connlimit, asks if you need to compile into the kernel, and compile to module. (Note: #make menuconfig can also be used here. , select the kernel parameter Networking–>Networking options —>Network pa in the form that appears. Neck filtering(replaces ipchains)—>IP: Netfilter Configuration —>Connections/IP limit match support is selected as a module or compiled into the kernel. If you can't find this item, then the patch has not been successful.)

# make modules_prepare scripts/kconfig/conf -s arch/i386/Kconfig CHK include/linux/version.h CHK include/linux/utsrelease.h HOSTCC scripts/genksyms/genksyms.o HOSTCC scripts/genksyms/lex. o HOSTCC scripts/genksyms/parse.o HOSTLD scripts/genksyms/genksyms CC scripts/mod/empty.o MKELF scripts/mod/elfconfig.h HOSTCC scripts/mod/file2alias.o HOSTCC scripts/mod/modpost.o HOSTCC scripts/Mod/sumversion.o HOSTLD scripts/mod/modpost backs up the original Makefile, which contains the original compilation information. Direct compilation will not pass

# mv net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile.bak creates a new Makefile <pre lang="bash"># vi net/ipv4/netfilter/Makefile obj-m := ipt_connlimit.oKDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/buildPWD := $(shell pwd)default:$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(PWD) modules compile the module

# make M=net/ipv4/netfilter/LD net/ipv4/netfilter/built-in.o CC [M] net/ipv4/Netfilter/ipt_connlimit.o Building modules, stage 2. MODPOST CC net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_connlimit.mod.o LD [M] net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_connlimit.ko copy the generated ko module to the target address and set the appropriate permissions

# cp net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_connlimit.ko /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.el5/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/# chmod 744 /lib/modules/2.6.18- 128.el5/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/module compilation completed

Testing and applying modules

# depmod -a loading connlimit module

# modprobe ipt_connlimitChecking whether to load success

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