Ubuntu use notes


Ubuntu uses notes.

First, JAVA configuration environment variable command:

1, vi ~/.bashrc

2, add the following code:

export JAVA_HOME=/opt /java/jdk1.7.0_55

export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre

export CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib

export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH

3, source ~/.bashrc

4, java -version

Second, tar.gz decompression

sudo tar -zxvf xxx.tar.gz

Third, extract file authorization

sudo chmod -R 777 jdk1.7.0_80/

sudo chmod 600 ××× (Only the owner has read and write permissions)

sudo chmod 644 ××× (owner has read and write permissions, group users only have read access)

sudo chmod 700 ××× (Only the owner has read and write and execute permissions)

sudo chmod 666 ××× (Everyone has read and Write permissions)

sudo chmod 777 ××× (Everyone has read and write and execute permissions)

Fourth, modify the terminal name

sudo Gedit /etc/hostname

Sudo gedit /etc/hosts

mysql installation

1. sudo apt-get install mysql-server

2. sudo apt-get install mysql-client

3. sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

During the installation process, you will be prompted to set a password. Note that you should not forget to set it up. After the installation is complete, you can use the following command to check whether the installation is successful:

sudo netstat -tap

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