What if the Storm video cannot play MP4 files?


When playing MP4 files created with QuickTime Pro, Storm video cannot be played. This is because by default, standard MP4 files are rendered using DirectShow, while MP4 files made with QuickTime Pro are rendered using QuickTime. The specific setting method is as follows:

in & ldquo

; start & rdquo; menu, run & ldquo; STORM & rdquo ;. comprehensive set Next, in the left side of the window that opens, select "MPEG-4 Decode Settings" and click the "Next" button. Then, in the window that opens, change "MP4 rendering mode" to "QuickTime". Finally, click the “OK” button.

Tip: Don't forget to change the MP4 rendering mode back to “DirectShow” the next time you watch a standard MP4 file.

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