Root practice level 1st level short code key face Chinese character single word phrase five strokes practice


The following online typing practice software is not participating in the leaderboard, if you want to participate in the typing score list, please click the " Typing speed test "link! I wish you all a happy practice! Online Wubi typing practice software instructions:

This software is powerful, including a variety of practice modes: root practice, level one short code, two level simple Code, key name Chinese characters, key surface Chinese characters, full code exercises, phrase exercises, hidden characters, eight practice modes. The various modes are from simple to difficult, from entry to improvement!

Use the following:

1. (Do not call the input method to ensure that the input method is in English) First select a certain practice mode, the default is root practice; (mouse click on a certain A mode completion mode selection)

2. According to the display, the software will prompt you right or wrong, the wrong one will indicate the correct play and display the key position!

3. After each call, you don't need to press the space bar to enter, the software will automatically prompt you right or wrong.

4. Students can choose the appropriate mode to practice according to the practice. When you learn to type, you can participate in the typing scores and challenge the famous students on the list!

I wish you all the best in the online five-character table typing practice, learning and progressing!

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